In October 2009, recently graduated college students Hannah White and Erika Johnson embarked on an overseas journey. After four years of rigorous studies at college they were finally able to fulfill their shared dream of a long-term stay in France. Over three months, equipped with a background in French and a common interest in Francophone culture, they were been able to dive right in and soak all that France has to offer. They have traveled as volunteers, which allowed them to see a more intimate and authentic side of the country. Their blog is a documentation of their adventures including photos, stories, people they encountered, and places they lived. It includes such unique photographic perspectives into French life and culture as “The Duck Season”, one of our personal favorites. To see it, type “Berets and Birds - Gascony, 13 February 2010” in the search bar.
Hannah has returned home now but Erika stayed on in France pursuing more time in her home of choice for the moment. One of her mother's sisters has made her home there, so love of France, in Erika's case could be genetic.
Enjoy the journal, “Francophile Travels” of Erika and Hanna at: and share with them as they continue to discover all the scenes, sights, smells, and tastes of la belle vie!
We thank our friend, Kathryn Jonas, mother of Erika, for bringing this thoughtful travel record of these two wonderful and talented young women to our attention.